<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="{{ app.request.locale }}">
{% include "head/metas.html.twig" %}
Enregistre la liste des fichiers CSS et JS
Veillez à mettre à jour les adresses ci-dessous en remplacant la version par la dernière version disponible (jQuery,
Uikit, FontAwesome,...), et ce pour tous les fichiers layout[...].html.twig !
{% apply spaceless %}
{# add global stylesheets and scripts outside of any blocsk to add them to the helpers before any others assets are added #}
{# we use the view helper to have cache buster functionality #}
{% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/uikit/3.5.7/css/uikit.min.css') %}
{% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/3.1.1/cookieconsent.min.css') %}
{% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet(asset('/static/vendor/outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser.min.css')) %}
{% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet(asset('/static/css/application.min.css')) %}
{#% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet(asset('/static/css/custom.css')) %#}
{# Adobe Font #}
{#% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet('https://use.typekit.net/cdw7sie.css') %#}
{# {% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet('https://use.typekit.net/rjz1kgr.css') %}#}
{% do pimcore_head_link().appendStylesheet('https://use.typekit.net/lal0zga.css') %}
{# A rendre dynamique #}
{% if not document.property('new-website') %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=6LcMEv0eAAAAAGqziCU59GigxzVk5-ao1zof4wAJ') %}
{% endif %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/uikit/3.5.7/js/uikit.min.js') %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js') %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/3.1.1/cookieconsent.min.js') %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile('/static/vendor/outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser.min.js') %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile(asset('/static/js/apik.js')) %}
{% do pimcore_head_script().appendFile(asset('/static/js/main.js')) %}
{% endapply %}
{# Affiche les styles CSS personnalisés pour toutes les pages #}
{% block head_stylesheets deferred %}
{{ pimcore_head_link() }}
{% endblock %}
{# Affiche les styles CSS personnalisés propres au footer #}
{% block head_stylesheets_footer deferred %}
{% endblock %}
{% if not document is defined or not document %}
{% set document = pimcore_document(1) %}
{% endif %}
{# Favicons (utilisez RealFaviconGenerator) #}
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/static/img/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/static/img/favicon/favicon-32x32.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/static/img/favicon/favicon-16x16.png">
<link rel="manifest" href="/static/img/favicon/site.webmanifest">
<link rel="mask-icon" href="/static/img/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/img/favicon/favicon.ico">
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c">
<meta name="msapplication-config" content="/static/img/favicon/browserconfig.xml">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.1.0/css/all.css"
integrity="sha384-lKuwvrZot6UHsBSfcMvOkWwlCMgc0TaWr+30HWe3a4ltaBwTZhyTEggF5tJv8tbt" crossorigin="anonymous">
<body class="{{ document.property('universe') }} {{ editmode ? "apk-cms-pimcore" : "" }} {{ document.property('new-website') ? "new-website" : "" }}">
<!-- ============== Outdated Browser =========== -->
<div id="outdated"></div>
{# Vérifie si "Your website name" a bien été traduit. Si non, on affiche un message d'erreur #}
{# Attention, il ne faut pas renommer le nom du site ici... Il faut le renommer dans les Shared Translations! #}
{% if "Your website name"|trans == "Your website name" %}
{{ '<p class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>Attention, n\'oubliez pas de traduire \'Your website name\' et les autres chaines de traduction via Tools > Translations > Shared Translation.</p>' }}
{% endif %}
{% if not document.hasProperty('politiqueDeConfidentialite') %}
{{ '<p class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>Attention, n\'oubliez pas de créer la propriété \'politiqueDeConfidentialite\' (type Document) à la racine du site et de la faire pointer vers la page Politique de confidentialité (pour le bandeau des cookies).</p>' }}
{% endif %}
{# Affiche le header + condition pour le nouveau site web #}
{% if document.property('new-website') %}
{% include "includes/header-new.html.twig" %}
{% else %}
{% include "includes/header.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% if document.property('new-website') %}
{% include "includes/sticky-socials.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% if editmode %}
<div class="uk-container apk-container-1400 uk-margin-medium-bottom">
<div class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>
<h1 class="uk-h1">Texte dans le footer</h1>
{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('bottom-footerlink') }}
{% endif %}
{% set showFooterText = false %}
{% set footerBackgroundColor = false %}
{% if not pimcore_wysiwyg('bottom-footerlink').isEmpty %}
{% set showFooterText = pimcore_wysiwyg('bottom-footerlink') %}
{% endif %}
{% if document.getProperty('footerBackgroundColor') %}
{% set footerBackgroundColor = document.getProperty('footerBackgroundColor') %}
{% endif %}
{# Affiche le footer + condition pour le nouveau site web #}
{% if not editmode %}
{% if document.property('new-website') %}
{{ pimcore_inc("/" ~ app.request.locale ~ "/Snippets/footer",{
'showFooterText': showFooterText,
'footerBackgroundColor' : footerBackgroundColor
{% elseif pimcore_inc("/happymagnecaps/" ~ app.request.locale ~ "/Snippets/footer") %}
{{ pimcore_inc("/happymagnecaps/" ~ app.request.locale ~ "/Snippets/footer") }}
{% else %}
{{ '<p class="uk-alert-danger" uk-alert>Vous avez oublié de mettre votre footer dans un snippet</p>' }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# output scripts added before #}
{% block headscripts %}
{{ pimcore_head_script() }}
{% endblock %}
{% block inlinescripts %}
{% endblock %}
{% block snippetscripts %}
{% endblock %}
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
"palette": {
"popup": {
"text": "#ffffff",
"background": "#E40233",
"button": {
"text": "#E40233",
"background": "#ffffff",
"content": {
"message": "{{ 'Nous utilisons des cookies et d\'autres technologies pour assurer à tous les utilisateurs de ce site internet la meilleure expérience possible.' |trans }} {{ 'En accédant à ce site, vous acceptez notre politique de cookies. '|trans }}",
"dismiss": "{{ 'j\'accepte' |trans }}",
"link": "{{ 'En savoir plus' |trans }}",
"href": "{% if document.getProperty('politiqueDeConfidentialite') %} {{ document.getProperty('politiqueDeConfidentialite') }} {% endif %}"
// Plain Javascript
//event listener: DOM ready
function addLoadEvent(func) {
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if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
} else {
window.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) {
//call plugin function after DOM ready
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lowerThan: 'borderImage',
languagePath: '/static/vendor/outdatedbrowser/lang/{{ document.getProperty('language') }}.html'
// Using jQuery (version that supports IE < 9)
$( document ).ready(function() {
bgColor: '#f25648',
color: '#ffffff',
lowerThan: 'borderImage',
languagePath: '/static/vendor/outdatedbrowser/lang/{{ document.getProperty('language') }}.html'